Monday, February 7, 2011

You guessed it. That's right

yes i have a hot pink kitchen.... my roommate and i moved into our sweet, little tic-tac of a size new york apartment this past summer and felt it was necessary to paint. Not only did we paint our kitchen walls to match the color of my kate spade phone case but we continued our non-professional brushstrokes to our living/dining room with "hello there darling" citrus green (there is absolute no influence of my job at kate spade in these decisions...).we reasoned with the looming dreary days of winter ahead and the lack of any hope having one later down the road....

i have to admit even though it is entirely obvious that we shouldn't quit our day jobs (katherine gillam!) to pursue a career in painting, it is too much fun everytime i walk in to make coffee in the morning. ever need a constant pick me up? paint your kitchen hot pink. think you'll get tired of it? i've attached some other ideas below.

no no this is not my kitchen but a fabulous one at that!

now with explaining the inspiration of this blog's name, ill try to give a little insight on what to expect while reading the hot pink kitchen.

with this being my first ever post on my first ever blog (which is most likely a brief blip to my current interests) expect everything with nothing. for those who know me, i am constantly sporadic and very all over the place. many would describe me as what they call  "one hot mess". ill provide quotes, thoughts, ideas, questions to be answered, pictures, and a tiny glipse to my life as i attempt to grow up.

may you read, enjoy, and get inspired.

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